Unable to connect with salesforce system

While i am trying to connect with salesforce system from Kore.ai getting error.

followed as per the documentation though still facing the issue

so anyone please help me where i am going wrong and why not establish the connection between salesforce and Kore.ai.
Thanks in Advance

Hello @sfdcshekhar87,

Welcome to Kore.ai Community.

The error which you are facing seems to be related to authentication.
As an initial level of troubleshooting could you please refer to the below post available for the same error ?

If the above post did not help, please share the below requested information.

Please help us with the steps you followed and the error screenshot which you are facing

That would help us to identify where you are facing the issue and assist you accordingly.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla
Kore.ai Community Team