“Understanding Severity Levels: Categorizing Platform Issues Based on Impact”
This article offers clarification and descriptions of severity levels for issues reported on the platform, categorizing them based on their impact.
NOTE - Severity should not be mistaken for priority. For instance, a customer may consider a question urgent, resulting in a Sev4 severity, while the customer priority remains high.
Severity Definitions:
Severity-1 - Critical
A “Critical” or “Severity 1” Error renders the Platform/Bot Support completely unusable or nearly unusable or
introduces a high degree of operational risk. No Workaround is available. Until this Error is resolved, the Platform’s/Bot’s use is essentially halted. A large number of users and/or Kore Platform/Bot functionality is
severely impacted. Any Error that is faced in the course of the usage of any functionality reserved or restricted for
Administrator/Bot Developer shall be excluded from the aforementioned definition.
Examples -
- Platform or product is down. No one is able to log in.
- One or more published bot is not responding at all to any user
- A vast majority of end-users (not bot developers) are able to communicate with the bot over any/one/few channels.
- Call drops > 10-20%
- Mongo DB down.
Severity-2 - High
A “High” or “Severity 2” Error renders one or more critical functionalities of the Platform/Bot are unavailable;
however, the overall performance of the Platform/Bot is not impacted. Workarounds may be available but use of the
The platform/Bot is degraded and causes continuing operational risk. A moderate number of users are significantly impacted, but overall the Platform/Bot Support continues to function.
Examples -
- On a particular channel, the bot is responding but is not able to identify any KG/majority of intents.
- KG training/Publish is stuck for all any/few bots
- Unable to use the service node for any/few bots
- Agent transfer is not working for any/few bots
- Call drops ~ 5-10%
- Distortions in the majority of calls
Severity-3 - Medium
A “Medium” or “Severity 3” Error is an inconvenience or causes inconsistent behaviour, which does not impede
the normal functioning of the Platform/Bot. It could be an Error that occurs inconsistently and affects
nonessential functions or is an inconvenience that impacts a small number of users. It may also contain
visual errors where the graphical display of the Platform/Bot is not ideal, but still functioning correctly.
Examples -
- Batch test inaccuracy/discrepancies
- Bot-specific issues like unable to import/export/train/publish
- Inconsistent/intermittent issues
Severity-4 - Low
A “Low” or “Severity 4” Error has a small degree of significance, is a minor cosmetic issue, or is a “one-off”
case. A “one-off” case occurs when the Error occurs infrequently and cannot be reproduced easily. These are
Errors that do not impact the daily use of the Platform/Bot. A Low Error is something that does not affect normal use, and can be accepted for a period of time, but the user would eventually want to be changed.
Examples -
- Cosmetic defects.
- One-off cases or cases that can be rarely replicated
- Feature/ Enhancement Requests
- Specific Documentation related queries.
- How to ?- Questions
- Adhoc requests like a particular script/access to support portal/bot-kit deployment requests.
- Provisioning related requests - provisioning a new server/environment for load testing, etc.
- Root Cause Analysis
- Issue not currently occurring/happened in the past - request is to know the root cause
- Follow up ticket after resolution of an issue to know the root cause.