Showing image in bot response

I’m using carousel template for the image response of the FAQ’S.
Bot is responding correctly and showing the image in response but i need to fix image size , how can i fix it.
var elements = [

    "image_url": "ex-url of image"
} ];

var message = {
“type”: ‘template’,
“payload”: {
“template_type”: ‘carousel’,
“elements”: []
message.payload.elements = elements;

Hello @inayatmadni :smiley:,

Welcome to Kore Community :clap:

I would like to clarify what you mean by “fix the image size” . Do you want the carousel card size to be different from default or just change the image size while keeping the carousel card the same size.

Any changes to the existing template can only be done through customizing the template. In SDK, customTemplate folder, you can make the modification according to your requirement.

I have FAQ’s where i need to display an image as response to the end user. I’m using carousel templeate in advance mode for FAQ response.
I want to change image size in bot response.
It is the correct way to show an image as response of the FAQ and if not please guide me how to do it.
Ex. FAQ - what is your orgnisation logo?
i need to show an image of logo and if required how to change image size of logo.

please guide me on it.

The solution to show the image has been provided in the post -

As explained earlier, if you would like to alter the default display template, then you will need to customize the template in SDK.

How can we show image from our local system