Is it possible for bots to respond to an @mention when a user mentions the bot in a Group? I’ve gone through much of the documentation and it isn’t clear if this is possible through the Bot Builder.
Thank you.
Is it possible for bots to respond to an @mention when a user mentions the bot in a Group? I’ve gone through much of the documentation and it isn’t clear if this is possible through the Bot Builder.
Thank you.
Hi @javier,
As mentioned in the “test” instructions for the Workplace by Facebook channel, Once the bot is added to the group, it will listen to all the posts and comments in the group when @mentioned from any member in the group and responds accordingly.
Let us know if you need any further clarification.
Yoga Ramya.
Hi @yogaramya.mendu,
Thank you for your response! Despite following those instructions and giving the bot integration permissions in the screenshot below, I still receive no message back from the bot. I am seeing the @mentions come into the Analyze > Metrics in the Bot Builder.
As a quick side note, the instructions to add the Workplace channel does not reflect the current version of Workplace. I’ve attached your Step 2: Select the App permissions screenshot for reference.
What else am I missing?
Hi @javier,
Is the bot newly configured into the Workplace by Facebook channel?
Please confirm if the bot is responding in an individual chat in Workplace by facebook.
If this is a newly configured bot, then, as mentioned in the post How to message a Workplace user mentioned in a bot
Bot would not be responding until the issue is resolved at the platform level.
Yoga Ramya.
Hi @javier,
As mentioned in the post: How to message a Workplace user mentioned in a bot
Currently, there is an issue with the newly integrated bots in the Workplace by Facebook.
We will update you once this issue is resolved at the platform level.
Yoga Ramya.
Any update on this problem ?
@hugo_vincent the channel instructions have been updated in the bot builder for WFB. Please enable the channel at your bot by following those instructions and let us know if you still face any issues.