Informational Post:Currency Conversion Issue in Microsoft Azure Text-to-Speech (TTS) for Spanish Translation

The issue has been reproduced and is applicable for Microsoft Azure TTS and is an open issue from Microsoft.

#Problem Statement#
The problem arises when trying to convert currency-related sentences that include the dollar sign ($) symbol.
Instead of accurately reading the text in dollars, the service reads it as pesos, causing confusion for users.

Spanish translation is converting “USD” to “Pesos”.

User trying to give the sentence “El monto total es $2000”
(i.e. The total amount is $2000) It reads as pesos instead of dollars.

Users see this issue appears as ‘$’ refers to peso in the Mexican region, which appears to be what is being returned by the service.

However, as this is due to a design issue related to in the MS model itself, the resolution will be a long term one and will have to wait until they create a new revision of the Spanish speech models.

Suggest the user to use USD in place of ‘$’.
This has been suggested and tested by the platform team and both “El monto total es 2000 USD” and “El monto total es USD 2000” have yield the same correct speech output.

Considering the root cause being tied to the design issue within the MS model itself, it appears to be a long-term resolution. As a workaround, advising users to use “USD” in place of the ‘$’ symbol is a practical solution. I appreciate that the platform team has tested and confirmed that both “El monto total es 2000 USD” and “El monto total es USD 2000” yield the correct speech output.

For anyone facing similar issues, utilizing text to speech with “USD” instead of the ‘$’ symbol seems to be a viable workaround.