How to capture Yes/No from user input through voice and add it data table

How to capture Yes/No from user input through voice and add it data table
Bot : 6743 code is correct
User Input: Yes 6743 code is correct
Bot : 6743 for this code No authorization required
User input : Right No authorization required.

How do i capture Yes or No from user sentence and add it data table

The building block for capturing a binary yes/no response is the Confirmation node.

By default it can recognize many variations for “yes” and “no”, but it can be extended with additional terms and phrases in the Synonyms fields. Those synonyms can be simple word(s), or a concept, or if enclosed in parenthesis, an FM pattern.

@andy.heydon do we have any example for this and how we can add into data table

To add data to a data table then you will need a subsequent bot action. See

A confirmation node is really a specialized entity and its value (yes or no) is in context.entities.

@andy.heydon Same approach can done using Entity Node

Yes, an entity node can be used to a degree, but it is harder and doesn’t employ the right semantic.

A confirmation is a binary choice.
A list of items entity will need extensive training and have to deal with more ambiguities.