Article: Step-by-Step Guide for running an application on Korebot SDK

This Article offers information for downloading Kore Bot SDK for iOS and running an application
on Kore Bot SDK.


XCode minimum version 12.0

Users can download Kore Bot SDK for iOS by navigating to the below link:

  1. Next type cd and name of SDK project directory(Project folder path)

  1. Execute the below command in the terminal.
    pod install

  2. Navigate to your project folder and double-click on the XCode workspace to open your project.

  3. Setting up clientId, clientSecret, botId, chatBotName and identity in

Please replace the values of the below parameters as per the requirement.
clientId , clientSecret, botId, chatBotName, identity, isAnonymous, isWebhookEnabled, JWT_SERVER, BOT_SERVER

  1. You can clean/re-build your project and run it.