Why list entitie node is not passing the string value to the service node {{context.entities.node}}?

Hello Everyone, I’m new using this software.

I hope you can help and understand me in this question.

I want to create a simple bot, that brings to the end user the address of a store using the list of item entitie node and de service node that use REST.

The bot will ask to select an item of a list of 8 cities. when the user click in a city it will bring the info. Simple as that.

What I have done so far:

1.- I created a list items entitie with the 8 values
2.- I created a service node: In this node in the edit request parameters I specified the URL of the REST API like this:


When I make a test using the sample contect values putting the {{context.entities.ciudad}} parameter and some value it brings me the info that I want

3.- I created a node message with the next parameters

Estas son las tiendas disponibles en la ciudad de {{context.entities.ciudad}}{{context.ubicacion_tienda2.response.body.direccion}} 
  {{context.ubicacion_tienda2.response.body.telefono}} {{context.ubicacion_tienda2.response.body.ubicacion}}

When I test the bot it doesnt bring me any data. Just this:

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Why it’s no bringing me the value of the REST API data?

I make another test, using this parameters in the service node


An make the chance in the entitie node, and instead of looking for a name I looked for the number id of the data, it brings me the info.

The question is why the entitie is recognizing the Id number and not other field by its value?

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The entity is being passed on to the service without any issue.
I think the only mistake you are making is while getting the value from response you are not accessing the key rightly.

Your response has “body” as an array.
You will need to call it like this. context..response.body[0].

Estas son las tiendas disponibles en la ciudad de {{context.entities.ciudad}}{{context.scvNode001.response.body[0].direccion}}
{{context.scvNode001.response.body[0].telefono}} {{context.scvNode001.response.body[0].ubicacion}}


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