Which Template should I use to capture the user click and navigate to the link in separate tab of browser

Hi Team,

I want to capture the user click and navigate to the link in separate tab of browser. For this I am doing following things:

  1. To capture the user click - specified the carousel template in Entity Node. So that conversation can pause for user input.
  2. Used the Buttons in Carousel template:
    “type”: “postback”,
    “title”: “Click Here”,
  3. Here, when user clicked on Click Here button, I do get CLICK_ORDER_SUBMISSION in entity node.
  4. So whenever I check if I get this button clicked I call the Script node.
  5. In Script Node, I am calling window.open(context.OrderEntryPageURL);
    Here I am getting window is not defined error. How can I make it work? I think, script node is javascript node and it will execute this line but instead it is giving me error.

Please understand here, I can not use button type as web_url. I need to capture the click event for some other processing.

Hi @praful_dhone,

Sorry for the delayed response, first of all, we cannot use the script node with window.open(context.OrderEntryPageURL);
as we are executing is this at the server-side instead.
you can use the button template by uncommenting the below code snippet

you can also use the link option in the plain text as shown below

Sunil Kumar