When exactly is session created for bot from web sdk? What is entry point?

Hi there,

I want to understand how is user session created for specific user when user access the bot from web sdk.

Currently in my application, as soon as the application is loaded, the bot user session is created.
Ideally the bot user session should get created when user opens the bot chat window.

Please explain how and when the user session for bot is created.
There is no documentation explaining this.

@nehamsheikh If you refer to our webSDK code in 7.1.0 branch index.html

Line 107 koreBot.show(chatConfig); is the entry point.

You can comment this and choose to call it on click or other event.

In WebSDK documentation (readme.md) which shows in https://github.com/Koredotcom/web-kore-sdk/tree/web-sdk-7.1.0
page, you can find the same information if you scroll to section 7 and 8.
chatInstance.show(chatConfig); // open chat window
Note - in this version, in index.html you have support for starting the chat in minimized mode - minimizeMode:false

Even in older version you should be able to find the information in section 7

Hope this helps.