Webhook error: Unhandled rejection RedisNotAvailable: Redis not available

Error: Unhandled rejection RedisNotAvailable: Redis not available

I am using a windows machine for my project development. While using respondToHook method with botkit, the method throws this redis error on CLI.

However, as I checked redis is not officially available for windows. While using high security oriented systems what are the ways to resolve this error.

Hello @pritesh.raka,

Welcome to Kore Community!!!

In Botkit config.json file you have the code for redis connection.

"redis": {
    "options": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 6379
    "available": false

If Redis is applicable, available will be true, if not make it false and you should not be seeing the error.

For Redis on windows, there are some recommendations here

You can also refer the following post for best way to use Botkit for webhook calls :

Hope this helps!!