I am wondering if anyone has had success getting their theme created in the XO Platform actually working while using the SDK. I have the bot conversation working, but the chatbot looks nothing like the one that I designed using the theme creation and have set to current. Any ida why that is? Please let me know. Thanks
Hello Conor,
Welcome to Kore.ai Community, we are glad to have your here.
We have tried customising the themes for XO - bots(bots.kore.ai) as well as XO platform (platform.kore.ai XO11)and below are our observations :
If you are using platform.kore.ai that is XO 11, then please make sure the web SDK is of version 3, as XO 11 will not work with v2 or v1 versions. You can get it from the below link.
Please note that the app needs to be published every time after you make the theme changes.
If you are using bot.kore.ai i.e. XO and if you want to use web SDK v3 version, then you will have to manually configure it in the SDK folder.
We hope this helps to resolve your issue.
Thank you! I was unaware of newer version (the link to download sdk through XO11 brings you to master branch, not newest). I will try getting it working.