Unsubscribe Alert

How to unsubscribe the Alert task?

Type ‘manage account’ while taking to the bot. You should see the alert subscriptions.

How user can unsubscribe the alert…is there any other option apart from “manage account”

Hi @swagata.sengupta/ Team,

Could you please update on this. Is there any other option apart from “Manage account” to unsubscribe or delete the scheduled alert.


As of now there is no other way apart from manage account. I understand it is not very elegant and we have a feature planned in future to be able to do that more elegantly with as less coding/API as possible. As this time, unfortunately, I cannot give you a timeline.

Was there ever an alternative developed for this? One of our intents overlaps with “manage account”, and it’s causing a lot of issues.

@ben.fisher Not yet. Created a feature request ticket on your behalf to track this.