Unable to integrate Bot (developed using On-Prem Installation) with Web Client Channel

I want to integrate Bot (developed using On-Prem Installation) with Web Client Channel. I have followed the same steps to integrate bot (developed using kore website) with web client, but it is giving error.

@ankitsaini345 Please check botOptions.koreAPIUrl at webSDK index.html file. This should be pointing to the environment in which the bot is available.

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Hi Subrahmanyam,

where i can get that link?

Ankit Saini

This should be URL where the bot platform code is deployed. For our public cloud solution of bots which is accessible to all developers (bots.kore.ai) , the koreAPIUrl is “https://bots.kore.ai/api/”.

You will need change this to your environment URL in your index.html

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A followup qn to above - validated above mentioned points i.e. pointing to the right Bot (Bot ID, client ID, secret, Kore API URL etc.,) The JWT token is generated locally.

The issue is, Chat client unable to connect to Kore Bot (ref above image). During client connection process, after JWT grant token authorization call is successful, the rtm url is returned with WS protocol instead of WSS. However just to test, when connected to Kore cloud’s sample Bot, WSS url is returned.

What’s the underlying issue, how to resolve?

due to self-signed SSL certificate, chat client is unable to connect, after deploying a signed SSL on Kore Server, client is able to communicate successfully. This is no longer an issue.