Unable to assign value to composite entity from context variables

I have one composite entity, and I am assigning value captured to BotUserSession for contextual conversation, but unable to assign values to composite entities from BotUserSession variables in other dialog tasks.

I have done same thing with normal entity where bot is first doing precheck using script if some values are present in the session variables, if yes then assigning those to the entities, if not then user will be prompted for providing the value… but unable to do same for composite entities.

Are there any limitations?

The value that is assigned to the composite entity has to be a valid in terms of the subentities.

The composite value has to be a JSON object and the keys in that object are subentity names, the value for a subentity key is not checked for validity.

Unknown keys, ie. those that do not match a subentity mentioned in the composite’s patterns, are removed.

An empty object is not assigned, and will cause the composite entity to be prompted.

The particular combination of subentities is not checked against the patterns, so it is possible to assign an object that would not be captured interactively.

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Thank you Andy. Though I gave found workarounfld but this is helpful.