You are getting an response error because we are mapping the values to context data. Without an active session we wont have context values. So if you configure as per first screenshot and test within the service node it will throw error.
If you really want to check whether your service is work give the static values and then test it and check it in the table data whether data is being stored or not. once you have ensure it works, you can change to the context placeholders - the first screenshot shows the correct configuration.
And then changed it back to the {{context.entities.entity0004}} parameter and got the error. Meaning the service node does work, but not with the syntax above. Which makes me wonder, when you say active session, what do you mean? Does the bot have to be published? Please explain
As explained earlier, a session and context data needs to be generated for the syntax to work.
This can only happen if you are talking to the bot in builder chat or channel. Try to chat with bot in builder once dialog task is configured, instead of testing in service node itself. It should work.
Hi, just following up on this question. Like I’d said, I started the bot outside of the service node, and looked to see if any data was collected after the user’s input.
What is the operator you have used in the API. Also, try removing the sys_limit and then execute the API.
Even with this if the results are 0 then we will need to verify if the service node executed correctly. To verify that, check debug console while testing in bot chat window. You should find the status as shown below:
In the payload data we do not see the Payload - Firstname and Lastname values. Could it be that the values are not captured as part of the payload. That is once issue.
Try filtering through FeelingsResponse or other fields and let us know if the API still returns empty.