Transfer chat from webchat to servicenow live agent


I am trying to transfer the chat from webchat to servicenow live agent using botkit. I created the servicenow queues and rest api and updated the config file in botkit. And it was asking to create the snowConfig file but I can’t see the file in the botkit

I imported the bot from the store as below and followed the instructions given to setup but still not going well. As the botkit has the liveagent.api and liveagent.js file but not for the servicenow?

where can I find the snowconfig fil as for the instructions?
is there a way I can transfer the chat to live agent without botkit?
if so if I was botkit, how should it be done? is there any code example to integrate?
Do you have steps to integrate chat to servicenow live agent? Please share and help.

Are you trying to have install a bot from bot-store? Usually you will need bot-kit for configuring agent transfer. Have you configured bot-kit at your end?

If you installed this bot from store, you will see a tech spec/instruction document also.


Hello Swagata

Yes, I saw the instructions given to connect agent from to the ServiceNow. From the Instructions , I got the botkit for the servicenow. I now have the webchat SDK for the channel config, Server and botkit for the servicenow and followed the steps and finally completed the steps for the connection. I am using ngrok for the test connection and getting 500 internal error for the connection.

The below is the screenshot for the servicenow_chatbot where as SDKApp if the server, Snow_agent transfer is the ServiceNow and Web_kore_Sdk_master if the webchat channel configuration.


If you are seeing the terminal, It shows “running at 8003”, that is the service now agent connection from web channel kore. Where it shows error “cannot read the property”. An In ngrok it shows the below

I am unable to move forward from here, below screenshot…I started the chat and then ngrok ran , showed error and checked the snow_AgentTransfer terminal and error occurs.

There were no errors in the web channel and SDKApp server.
SDKApp termial:image
Web_kore_SDK_master Terminal:
Snow_Agent_transfer Terminal:image

Thanks in Advance. Please let me know if you need anything.