Do we have multi tenant functionality for the bot projects? For example, we have a bot for flight bookings and we have Airline_1 and Arline_2 as our clients and Arline_2 have different customizations (languages, different messages and additional features?) How can we have a multi-tenant system. Can we use the a Smart bot for this approach?
Also with this system, how will upgrades and customisations work?
Yes, you can use smart bots in this case.
The basic functionality which is common for both the Airlines can be implemented in the smart bot and you can extend it to Standard bot further to enhance the functionalities.
Thanks for your reply @yogaramya.mendu. I have follow up questions on this.
Do we have an option to use only one bot project for multiple Airlines?
In case that we want the airline to only have access or change certain functionalities (Like message nodes, Knowlege graph, NLP, Config Setttings) and restrict them to other functions (other nodes in dialog tasks , etc.) it is doable on the bot builder?