SmartAssist breaking flows that function in Bot Builder

While using SmartAssist, it seems to ignore every flow and entity I’ve estabilished, and always defaults to a single flow. The flow it defaults to works fine, but it never goes to the intended one.
I’ve tried re-publishing both the flows and dialog tasks, alongside double-checking the lists with the entities inside the dialogues, but the error persists.

Additionally, the dialog tasks work how they’re supposed to in the Bot Builder.

Hello @lucas.rosa1 ,

Apologies for the delay in our update. Within the Flow , if you click on ‘start’, you can set up the channel for which the flow should be enabled.

You may also want to unselect the channels for default flows, if you don’t want to have them initiated.

Let us know if this answers your queries

This is what I was looking for, thank you.