Smart assist call doesn't wait for more 1-2 seconds for user response for the flow build using bot builder

The flow is build in and integrated with smart assist, though the wait time has been set to for example 10 secs in bot but it only waits for 1-2 seconds for user response/input when using voice call on smart assist. I s there any solution for this?

Hello @aambashth ,

This issue has been fixed through the weekend patch. Please validate and let us know if you see observe this.

Hi Sameera,
I am facing the same issue still I tried adding:

  1. “timers”: {
    “noSpeechTimeoutMs”: 120000,
    “decisionTimeoutMs”: 150000,
    “toneTimeoutMs”: 10000,
    “greetingCompletionTimeoutMs”: 10000
  2. In entity, under voice call properties I extended the time to 20 sec
    But both aren’t working.

Hi Shreya

Please try the resolution suggested in this community post - Article: AudioCodes - Configuring continuousASRTimeoutInMS for Handling User Input Pauses in Voice Responses and let us know if you have any queries