Setting up of Centralized websdk : Creation of a centralized SDK file for integration purposes

Creating a centralized SDK file for integration purposes involves consolidating the necessary SDK files and configurations into a single file that can be easily referenced and reused across different projects. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating such a centralized SDK file for integrating the Web SDK:

  1. Download Web SDK:
  • Visit the Developer Portal and download the Web SDK files for the desired version.
  1. Create Centralized SDK Directory:
  • Within your project structure, create a new directory specifically for the centralized SDK files. You can name it something like sdk or kore-sdk.
  1. Copy SDK Files:
  • Copy all the necessary SDK files (e.g., kore-bot-sdk.js, kore-web-sdk.js , etc.) into this centralized SDK directory.
  1. Create Configuration File:
  • In the centralized SDK directory, create a new JavaScript file (e.g.,kore-config.js).
  1. Define SDK Initialization Settings:
  • In kore-config.js, define the Web SDK initialization settings such as API keys, bot IDs, and any other configurations required for your bots. Export these configuration settings using ES6 module syntax. For example:
export const koreConfig = {
    botName: 'YourBotName',
    apiKey: 'YourAPIKey',
    // Other configurations
  1. Export Configuration Settings:
  • Within kore-config.js, export the configuration settings using ES6 module syntax as shown above.
  1. Reference Centralized SDK in Other Projects:
  • In your other eServices projects where you want to integrate the Web SDK, import the kore-config.js file from the centralized SDK directory.
import { koreConfig } from './path/to/centralized/sdk/kore-config.js';
  1. Initialize SDK with Centralized Config:
  • Use the imported koreConfig object to initialize the Web SDK in your project’s JavaScript files.
var KoreSDK = new KoreWebSDK();
  1. Test Integration:
  • Start your eServices projects and test the bot integration to ensure that the centralized SDK configuration is applied correctly.

By following these steps, you’ll have a centralized SDK file (kore-config.js) that contains all the necessary configurations for integrating the Web SDK, making it easier to maintain and reuse across multiple projects.

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Thank you @santhoshvishal.veera for sharing this with the community.

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