Recaptcha in botbuilder

Can someone please tell me how to insert recaptcha in botbuilder?

Hello @kartik.chakkarwar ,

Welcome to Kore Community!!

Please clarify the usecase so that we can accurately answer your query.

We have live agent use case. In live agent dialog task ,if user is not existing one then we are asking some details like name ,last name, email id and after that the user will have to click on recaptcha and then user will connect to live agent.
For security purpose we have to implement recaptcha.
So could you please tell me the process of the same.

Hello @kartik.chakkarwar ,

There are no inbuilt options to generate captcha within the dialog flow.

We can use any existing captcha modules or API’s to integrate in the bot. For example, we have tested using the npm module : and successfully integrated captcha in the dialog flow.

Other option you could try is Google’s reCAPTCHA with its enterprise version having an API based integration provision.

Depending on your environment and bot configuration, you could have a custom captcha implementation.

Let us know if this helps!!

Hello @sameera.tumuluri,

I would like to replicate what you have done with npm captcha module. Could you please provide details of the steps performed for the captcha operation using the npmjs module.

Thank you,



Can you please share the steps to add capcha to the chat window… we have been searching for it for a while now and it a bit urgent…

Hoping for a reply …Thank you in advance.