This is in relation to some marketing initiatives. Just wanted to check if is capable of:
Sending messages (email, sms, FB Messenger message) to a list of known accounts (email address, mobile number, FB profile ID). If so, kindly indicate the required configurations needed.
You can build a bot in bot builder platform and publish the bot to various channels like Email, Messaging, Facebook etc which would send messages and communicate to the user as per your requirement.
Can the chatbot send messages to “known” users, even if these users are not currently conversing with the chatbot? It is similar to blast notification.
@sheela.dimayuga Adding more to whats been mentioned by @yogaramya.mendu, you could get the user details like recipient id in the user context when the end user talks to the chatbot via the facebook channel.
You could store these details and then use the Send API provided by facebook to trigger you push notification to the users.
Thus said, providing the ability to push notifications to users communicating via a channel from the Bot builder itself is something we have on our road map. We would notify you when the feature is implemented and is live.
Thank you, @Subrahmanyam and @yogaramya.mendu! From initial research on FB’s Send-API, there is the concern for reaching the High Volume Message status.
Anyways, we’ll be looking forward to this functionality in the future.