"Page not found"

I’m trying to create an authorization profile using OAuth v2 with Airtable but whenever I test it, it goes back as Airtable “page not found”. I made sure to match the callback URL with kore and airtable as well as the secret key and client ID.

I use this as the Auth URL: https://airtable.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=&redirect_uri=https://idp.kore.com/workflows/callback&scope=read_only
Token request URL : https://api.airtable.com/oauth/token

Hello @txhighrisers :smiley:,

Welcome to Kore Community :clap:

We understand that you are facing an issue when testing the OAuth configuration. Could you share the bot with me (sameera.tumuluri@kore.com) So that we could verify the issue in detail.

Thank you for stopping by!!

I sent you the email. TIA