Hi team,
I have a welcome message. which i have setup in the setting of welcome message as javascript to show some button to user.
When i click on the button it does not detect the. what is the issue in that.
it should be noted that when i write the word of the button it detect the intent but when i click the button it does not detect.
Please help me as soon as possible
The information given is not enough to respond. Ideally, we will require screenshots and more detailed explanation of what was done as part of bot development.
But I see a support ticket posted today which is the same issue. So, with that context, here are some tips:
Assumption: You have configured to call a particular task/ intent with welcome event/ on-connect. You have connected that intent to an entity node and configured messages for All and Web/Mobile channel.
Use web/mobile channel specific message for button template.
In the javascript code,
var button = {
“type”: “postback”,
“title”: info[i],
Ensure to use “type”: “postback”.
You will also need to use something like:
var button = {
“type”: “text”,
“title”: info[i],
“payload”:“intent” + (i+1)
to assign right value to all buttons. Otherwise every button will have value payload1 for the entity. I hope you did not miss this.
If you are using the button template for an entity, the payload value is what it receives. Based on the entity value, you can configure it (use if, else section) to call the right task/ intent.
Hope this helps.

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