Not able to sataisfy the condition

hi all i am getting result in context and comparing with the entity input but even though the both values are same if action is not triggering the required message box
using this value context.session.BotUserSession.healthItemsHM[0].healthItem


I’m sorry but you cannot use a context variable for comparison in the flow control. Only static values are supported with this function. Maybe you could reconfigure your flow to something like this:

hi John i have tried with the entity also its same thng with it trying to use with content variable
the thing is the value contineously changes so can not pu static value

There are several ways to resolve this, but I don’t know enough about your flow to give specific advice.

Here’s one one way that might work:

Depending on the flow, you might try adding a Bot Action > Script Node to manipulate your context variables or set static values using “IF” statements. Send me more details and I might be able to assist.