Node selection showing again after i clicked one of the option

I am getting inconsistent issue in executing a ask:

Problem 1: initial response is being displayed again:


when i choose the 1st option, it gives the correct answer then gives the selection again

here is my setting on the connections:


Please let us know how you are displaying the options in the entity node.
Are you using a template? or displaying through List of values entity type.

Yoga Ramya

Here you go:



The ambiguity response is coming because of how you have defined the synonyms.

For an LoV, the user’s utterance is evaluated against the words in the synonyms for the choices. This means that the only words the platform is looking out for is “forgot”, “pw”, and “username” (actually it also looks out for the canonical form for forgot - forget too).

When the user’s utterance is “I forgot my password” then the only word that matches any of those is “forgot” and as that is present in equal measure in both choices then the platform asks the user to clarify.

If you use “password” instead of (or better still, as well as) “pw” then the platform would see the first choice as a much better option than the second one.

This issue is occurring to me when i use the list of values from context variable although all configurations are done correctly.

There is no difference in processing behavior between the choices being statically defined and being dynamically defined in context variables.

Hi @andy.heydon,

The problem is not with the ambiguity or using context variables, After I call the entity with the List of Items(Enumerated) type, it shows the List of Options defined. I select an option from the list, it displays the correct response and again it shows the List of Items Entity.

@yogaramya.mendu, can you suggest in this condition?

Clicking on a button anywhere, be it from the List of Items choices or intent ambiguity, is just shorthand for typing something. There is no difference in behavior between clicking on a button or typing text in. They both send text, and only text, to the NL engine.

In the case of a List of Items entity, that text is evaluated according to the synonyms - though there are some special cases like “first one” to handle generic conversation.

There is no special “clicked on button A” signal, it is all text.