Need to change the chatbot icon through SDK

Hello kore.AI Team ,

I need to change the chatbot icon through botsdk. As of now the bot SDK is using the “liteTheme-one” theme for the chatbot.

I want to use a different icon. I see that “data:image/svg+xml;base64” is required, however It would be great if I can be guided through it step by step.


Khushboo Yadav

You can find below sections within ./sdk/UI/chatWindow.css to change the icon and its color:

  1. To change background color of the icon
    .kore-chat-window.minimize .minimized background property
  2. To change background color of the title which popping up when hover to the icon:
    .kore-chat-window.minimize .minimized-title background property
  3. To change icon image: change the hoge to something else…
.kore-chat-window .messages {
    background-image: url(hoge);
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background-size: cover;
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