I did not comprehend the need of a universal bot. If I have a IT bot and I want to add HR use cases to it, can i not add new nodes in IT bot KG itself and continue and train accordingly. Why should I create a new HR bot and then go through the pains of managing a universal bot on top of both with invocation phrases. If my users for both the bot are same then I can continue in 1 bot itself. I did not get the benefit of creating 2 separate bots and then manage with universal bot.
Welcome Kamal,
There is no “right” answer or approach. You can continue down a path of one combined bot serving both IT and HR needs. That is perfectly OK, many deployments do that.
The Universal Bot exists as much for political reasons as technical. Perhaps the content is managed by different groups that want to exert their own control and development timescales. Separating them into different bots within a universal bot gives them that freedom.
A single bot would require a strong central team to arbitrate training conflicts.
One of the challenges of any deployment is dealing with vague utterances - e.g. “I have a question about my account” where many business functions have the notion of an account - IT login, retirement account, vendor account, customer account. If there is a single combined bot then the NL training needs to decide which single intent to pick, and that is not always easy or obvious. Even allowing for ambiguity - “did you mean …?” can become awkward and there will be winners and losers.
A universal bot allows for there to be multiple answers for each “department”, so the user can qualify their utterance. Once a user is using an individual linked bot, then the following utterances will prefer that bot.
There is another more complicated use case for universal bots where individual linked bots are only available to a subset of the enterprise’s users. Say there is a special, high powered, IT bot that is only for devops and not anyone else.