Need assistance to access email body content in Process Apps

I am currently developing a workflow in the XO Platform using Process Apps and have encountered an issue with accessing the email body from an Email trigger block. I have followed the available documentation but have not found the information I need.

Workflow Description:

  • Email Trigger Block: This is set up to initiate the process.

  • Connect to API Block: I am using this block to send a POST request to a test endpoint at I would like to include the body of the triggered email in this POST request, but I am unsure of the syntax to use since there is no autocomplete feature or relevant examples in the documentation.

  • I attempted to print the context variable to trace and utilize the email content, but it did not contain any information related to the email body, which has hindered my progress.

Request: Could you please provide guidance or documentation on how to correctly reference and include the email body in the API request? Any examples or additional resources would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Hi Kevin,

We are checking this at our end and we will update here.

Yoga Ramya

Hi Kevin,

We infer that your requirement is to access the email body of the email that caused the Email trigger.
This has been discussed with the internal teams and we understand that there is no provision as of now to access the email details.

Let us know if you need any further clarification.

Yoga Ramya

Hello, Yoga,

Understood. Thanks for the response and for checking with the internal teams. This is all I needed to know for now, so I’ll close the ticket.

Thanks again for the help.

Best regards,