Many questions leading to one intent?

I’m trying to build my first bot. I have a simple site and relatively simple use case. I anticipate my users will have one question in particular:
“How much are squash lessons?”
Currently this question is listed as an FAQ in my Storyboard. I’m not sure if this is the best way to handle my objective (?) - namely to identify a cost related question and provide the answer. In other words I know there are many variations on how a user could ask this question, but, ultimately, they just want to know the cost. What is the best way to approach this and how should I implement it? thanks …

Hello @pmo :smiley:,

Welcome to Kore Community :clap:

For an FAQ, in addition to the words in the question and answers, tags also play a role in the identification of the FAQ. Threshold settings and Training are other factors impacting the FAQ detection.

Ensure to train the bot once any changes are made to FAQ then test. The document share here ( be able to provide detailed information on Knowledge Graph.

Thank you for stopping by!!