Limiting user access to the FAQ in BOT

Hello. Is it possible to implement user-specific access restrictions within the BOT FAQ system, allowing certain users to access specific paths while restricting access for others? For instance, can we configure the system so that one user can view certain resources while another user can only access different ones? Please advise on the feasibility and potential methods to achieve this access limitation within the FAQ Bot.

Manali, I don’t know of a simple way to segment the FAQs in KG, but there is a way to control the use of each FAQ response. If you use the ‘Advanced’ tab in the response, you can add code to test for a variable that could be set for an authorized user. This is an example of what I entered in my system:

var message;
if (context.session.BotUserSession.isProviderVerified)
message = “If you need an additional card, or have lost your card, please call Member Services at (800) 555-1212. They will be happy to send additional cards to you.”;
} else { message = “You must be a validated user to view the response”;

It looks like this when using the advanced tab:

FAQs without this code would be available to any user.