Hello, I am college student looking to intern at Kore.ai. I have been given the task to develop a chat bot. This is my first time building a bot on a website. I am getting this error:
Cannot POST/UI/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJtYWlsdG86bWlrZUBmb28uY29tIn0.Cd7gS9Vk4BiTjNPxhN6R14wAnR70CMW5v-AzfUrsNHU
at the top of my chat bot. I assumed the error is occurring because I put the JWT token as the JWTURL. However, I caught on to the mistake and realized the correct JWTURL should be http://localhost:8080/UI. But, the website isn’t updating with the correct JWTURL and the error still exists. Kindly advise me on how to fix the issue.
Hello @sswadhwa16,
Welcome to the Kore community 
The JWTURL is a URL that utilizes a set of Node.js code to convert your bot ID, bot name, client ID, and client secret into a JWT token, passing it through your browser. The following URL, http://localhost:8080/UI, is used to locally preview your bot. You can run the JWT server locally and pass it to the JWTURL. Please refer to the WebSDK Documentation for more information.
WebSDK Documentation: https://developer.kore.ai/docs/bots/sdks/kore-ai-web-sdk-tutorial/
Tutorial for Setting up a JWT Server for the Web/Mobile SDK: https://academy.kore.ai/learningpath/course-131-setting-up-a-jwt-server-for-the-webmobile-sdk
Additionally, you can embed your bot by inserting the provided script into your HTML file, which is available on the Kore AI XO platform. Make sure to enable the web channel in the deploy tab on the Kore AI XO platform.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. We’re here to help!