Hi everyone,
I had a couple of questions regarding IVR bot.
I am using sandbox to test it.
- Is there a way to catch caller’s number (ANI) in bot? A context variable?
- I used Speech to text, but when the caller starts speaking the first second or two is not captured. Is there any way to configure this?
- Where can we see the logs enabled in this part of the node?

- Where can we change text to speech voices?
Thank you!
Hi @marija.kovrlija,
Welcome to Kore.ai Community
Please find the response below.
For the first point, to capture caller’s number, please refer to the information present in the below post.
Smart Assist - Get Callers Phone Number
For the second point, could you pleas elaborate more on the use case ?
regarding the logs storage, those would be stored koreconfig.json file.
Changing TTS voices:
You can change by adding call control parameters, for more information on Call control parameters Please refer to the below documentation.
Also you can change it from UI on SmartAssist console, please find the reference screenshot below.
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Srujan Madderla
Kore.ai Community Team
Thank you Srujan!
Regarding point 2, I have an Entity node in which I ask the client for their postal code. Variable type is String.
They have to dictate Canadian postal code, which I will validate later on. (if you have any tips on that please let me know.)
When I say my postal code, for example : a2b2c2, it plays back b2c2, it did not capture the beginning of what user said.
Thank you!
And to add to this question, where can I find koreconfig.json file? Thank you!
Hi @marija.kovrlija ,
The location of the koreconfig.json
file depends on installation type:
If On-premise installation:
If you have an on-premise installation of Kore.ai, the koreconfig.json
file might be located at /var/www/KoreServer/config/KoreConfig.json
However, this path could be different depending on your specific installation configuration.
If Cloud installation:
If you’re using Kore.ai’s cloud platform, the koreconfig.json
file is not directly accessible to you.
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Srujan Madderla
Kore.ai Community Team
Thank you Srujan!
Do you know where to set speech to text settings? I want to let the bot know that the user will be speaking alpha numeric characters one by one?
Additional q…
If we have our own IVR number, what the options to use that number? Do we have to use Smart Assist?