Inter bot communication

How can we achieve inter bot communication that is one bot should ask question the answer shoud be extracted from the another bot

There are several ways to share information between bots. Some are more complicated than others. Since you didn’t specify the use case, I’ll give you what I think is the ‘quick and simple’ method. NOTE: If your bots are deployed in different workspaces, this simple method will not work.

There is a variable type called an “EnterpriseContext” variable that is shared across all bots in a single workspace. You can learn more by reading this document:

There are two ways to create an EnterpriseContext variable. You will define it with JavaScript:
context.session.EnterpriseContext.your_variable_name = “your_value”
EnterpriseContext.put(“your_variable_name”, “your_value”, ###)
where ### is the time to live (TTL) duration in minutes.

The first method does not allow you to set a TTL, so it will live FOREVER until you delete it. To delete a value with no TTL, you need to use the “.delete()” command (you can’t just delete the context.session…)

Use this format to delete:

Regardless of how it is created, you’ll use “context.session.EnterpriseContext.your_variable_name” to access the variable in your bot. You can see the Enterprise Context values in the debug window.

I hope this works for your use case.