Intent recognition when using/not using special letters ("č","š","ž","đ","ć")

Hello, it seems that we have certain challenges with utterances in the Slovenian language when we use the special letters “č”,“š”,“ž”, “đ”,“ć”.

“If, for example, we add the utterance “želim navodila za izdelavo sendviča” (which means I want instructions for making a sandwich)”, it does not recognize the intent when the customer uses a mobile phone and usually writes without these letters (he writes, for example, "zelim navodila za izdelavo sendvica). Such an input (utterance) because it has no letters “ž” and “š”, for example, is no longer recognized.

How are this language issues handled?

Thank you for your time,


Do you mean the intent is getting identified without the accents?


Intent without accents is not getting recognised. So I wonder what is the correct way to recognise it (instead of writing intents once with and once without accents).