I want to send alert message to user through whatsapp if the user leave the journey midway or on any particular bot action. . how can i integrate whats-app messaging in my bot.
Hi @atul.khot ,
Welcome to Kore.ai Community.
Could you please elaborate more on your requirement/ use case ?
Based on the requirement we can check and assist you accordingly.
Thank you,
Srujan Madderla
Kore.ai Community Team
Hi @srujan.madderla ,
We want to create a journey on bot. The journey include below steps:
- user has provided number
- Generate quote,
- Complete application
- Complete KYC process
- Complete Payment
- Thank You message after payment is completed.
- Sent policy copy, after payment is completed.
If the user leaves the journey in middle of any step we want to send whatsapp message to user to complete journey.
example: if the quote is generated(Step 2) and user leaves the bot without completing the application (Step 3) then we want to send whatsapp message to user saying - “Please complete your application. To continue please click on link below: ”