How to write API response in message

I am getting service call response as
“statusCode”: 200,
“body”: {
“rates”: {
“CHF”: 1.2155712271
“base”: “GBP”,
“date”: “2021-01-21”

Now I want to capture the quantity CHF (which is dynamic means here conversion is from GBP to CHF so it shows CHF but if conversion is from GBP to EUR it will be EUR )in message
response .
How do I write it {{context.GetExchangeRate.response.body.rates. }}

If the key under rates will be changing, You cannot directly address it. Try storing the content of context.GetExchangeRate.response.body after null check.
Then check in a script node if the key CHF exists under the content or EUR. This will be a bit of programming you may have to do.

Thank you Swagata for your reply. I will try this.