How to trigger particular task after particular faq from knowledge graph?

I have added acronyms and their defination with few lines of details about that acronym in knowledge graph. also I have created one task where I can show all the acronyms with their defination in table format…now, suppose user type DRMR then knowledge graph will trigger and it will show defination and details about DRMR…i want the flow in such way that, if user type DRMR then knowledge graph should be trigger and it will show details and after that user will get msg that please find more acronyms in below table and all the acronym and their defination table should be displayed which I have created in dialogue task.
Can you please help me with this?

In the KG,

  1. Either you can invoke a dialog task as shown below

  2. Or it can be a KG.

If #1 is not what you want, you can configure the end of Task event to trigger a task.

Every successful KG or intent execution invokes this task. Within this task, you can tap into the context object to see which KG was invoked. Then you can create your custom transition or logic to show whatever you need to.

Hope this works.

Can you please explain 2nd solution with example?