How to Setup and enable WS-Federation Single Sign-ON on using Windows Azure

Configuring application on Azure

Adding a non-gallery application

Sign in to the Azure Active Directory portal using your Microsoft identity platform administrator account.

Select Enterprise Applications > New application.

In the Add from the gallery search box, enter the display name of the application. If the application appears in the search results, select it and skip the rest of this procedure.

Select Non-gallery application. The Add your own application page appears.

Choosing Sign-On method on Azure

Under the Manage section, select Single sign-on and choose the method as SAML

Setting up SAML configuration on Azure

Set up the Basic SAML configuration at Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)

Copying the App Federation Metadata Url and Login URL

Assigning application to users

Assign the application to the users on Azure AD under ‘Users and groups’ of manage section

Enabling SSO on Admin

Configuring SSO on

Login to admin console.

Navigate to Security & Control > Single sign on . Click on enable SSO and choose the Sign-On protocol as WS - Federation.

Choose the supported identity provider as Windows Azure.

The copied Azure AD login URL looks in the below format:<tenant-ID>/saml2

In the step to configure the application to use Azure AD, you will need to replace the Azure AD login URL for the WS-Federation end-point<tenant-ID>/wsfed.

Configure the sign-on endpoint URL and Federation metadata document URL as below and enable SSO.

Verifying SSO login on bots platform on an account with Windows Azure WS- Fed sign-on method enabled

User logged in to using SSO