If two prompts are configured for the Error Prompt in the IVR properties, the bot will only play the first error prompt and ignore the second error prompt even if the user has entered a wrong input.
Is there a way or a configuration to have the second error prompt play after the user inputs a wrong input twice? If I configured the error prompt in the general settings of that node, it would play one of the two prompts at random, and I do not want that.
Please note, If more than one prompt message is defined, one will be picked at random at runtime.
If one or more channel specific message is provided, only those will be considered for that channel.
The ‘All channel’ prompts are ignored when a channel specific prompt is found.
Thank you for your reply. When using the “Talk to the bot” chat option, the error prompts are presented in the right order, first error message then second error message. is there no way to implement this same thing in the IVR properties?