How to integrate chat bot into a single html page like we can do in IBM Watson Assistant?

I searched on the internet/documentation a lot but found nothing about how to integrate chat bot in a single existing client’s html page. The html page is hosted on IBM cloud foundry hosting service. The cloud foundry serves the html page when user access the url of the application.
In IBM Watson assistant we just copy 7-8 lines of code from IBM’s console and paste it in script tag of html page and it shows the chat bot at the bottom right corner automatically. But I’m having a hard time getting to know how to integrate the chat bot like that.
I have chat bot SDK but it comes with full node.js server. That’s not required in my case.
Can anyone help please. The client is eager to deploy the page having chat bot integrated in his html page.

Hi @nayanpaliwal16,

The node.js server is given as an example in the documentation. You can use any other server.

You just need to have the html, Js and CSS files from the webSDK folder.

Yoga Ramya

@nayanpaliwal16 : did you able to implement in your client’s html page? even I have same requirement but not able to find document.

Hello @nayanpaliwal16, @pinal.sanghavi

Welcome to the Kore community :wave:

You can achieve the same functionality as IBM Watson Assistant on XO Platform by simply enabling the web/mobile client channel in the Deploy tab. Once enabled, click on the web/mobile client option, and you will see an Embed Code consisting of a set of script tags. You can add this Embed Code to any HTML page to incorporate the bot.

To use the bot on your website, follow these steps:

  1. Copy and paste the embed code into the HTML page.
  2. Host your HTML file and copy the hosted link.
  3. Return to the XO Platform and click on the web/mobile client option.
  4. Add your link to the Whitelist domains section.
  5. Publish the bot to enable its usage on your website.

For more details, please refer to the documentation link provided: XO Platform - Adding the Web/Mobile Client Channel

If you have any more queries, please let me know.

@pinal.sanghavi : You can use the Embed Code, it will fullfill the requirement. Few simple steps: Go to paltform, select the bot->Deploy Tab->Channels->web/mobile client-> take the embed code from there.
Make sure you have added the Whitelist domains, on which you want to integrate this embed code.