How to Get agent details in Xo platform from Genesys

Hi Kore Support Team,

I m working in a scenario which includes combination of both Xo platform and Agent Assist.

My Flow is

  1. We automated xo platform dialogs in agent assist , and we integrated the bot in genesys

  2. In genesys when agent is assigned we have agnet assist widget in genesys interface from there agent can automate the task, till here it is fine and clear

From the above two scenarios I want agent deatils like name , id , group id of genesys when he triggered any of xo platform dialog from genesys through agent assist.

I tried printing context data in xo platform when agent is automated dialog task but, in custom data object I m not able get agent details .

How can I achieve this.?


@koresupport can you please guide me on this


Hello @saiananthula1835 ,

Welcome to Community.
Please allow us sometime to explore on your use case requirement and revert back to you.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team