How to fine tune the ASR such that it will pick the trained word among the Homophones

Below are the steps to implement the solution:

Here is an example, that the ASR will give preference to Ant over Aunt / And.

  • In the bot builder, where (entity node) the user is expected to provide the input which consists of the word Ant.
  • Navigate to IVR Properties → Advanced Controls → Call Control Parameters.
  • Add the below call control parameters:
hints - ["Ant"] =============> array of words that needs to be preferred
hintsBoost - 60 ==============> range 0 - 100, preferred 60 or above
sttProvider - google =========> if primary ASR (configured in SmartAssist experience flow) is other than Google

An additional step if the primary ASR engine is other than Google (for example Microsoft Azure):

  • Navigate to the next immediate node, and add the change to the ASR to primary ASR (Microsoft) because once the ASR is changed at the entity node, then that ASR will be in action for the rest of the call.

Hope this information helps. Please let us know if any additional queries on this.