How to enable multi languge support for ivr bot flows

how to enable multi language support for IVR bots and if we switched multi language using IVR, whatever dailog tasks we created under xo platform context also will switched to another language ,
could you please share if any important doc links there to enable multi language support for IVR bot flow

Hi @shyamalasampath484 ,

Thank you for reaching out to Community.

Please refer to the below documentation and confirm if that works.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team

hi @shyamalasampath484
have you tested this ??
please confirm if it works

Hi @srujan.madderla
I have tried to create experience ivr flow multilanguages for [en,te,hi], I have designed flow like this,
first i have given ivr menu for language selection , given next nodes for to change bot language, after i have used one message node for all languages prompt messages , here will it work one message node for
all languages prompts to declaraing , or will need to create a message node for each language separately

could you please provide me some details steps to design IVR multi languages flows

Hi kore
any update for this, please provide us some detailed steps to implement language switch scenario
using IVR menu options and voice commands