How to display Tables in HTML

I am trying to generate a report link in a Message, from a JSON that contains an array . The JSON is generated by a REST API from a Service node. The JSON is of the form:

“body”: {
“columns”: [ “A”,“B”],
“data”: [
“row”: [“X”,"Y],

My questions are:

  1. How do I specify the array elements for each column? Do I need to write a loop for each column and unroll the data? I tried to display only 1 row but it didn’t work.

  2. How to I specify the link in the Message Bot response? No clear instruction is available anywhere in the documents.

Any help is appreciated.


Did you try using use
Both the above would work for dialog task. We recommend not to print too heavy a table for better user experience.

Or you can also use information task’s bot-response.

  1. First save the sample response (Under API Request).
  2. Bot Response > Edit Template:
  3. Print the link to table in message definition JS