How to append context data to infobip Image API body

Hi @koresupport ,

I am trying to send Images to WhatsApp with hotel details, I am able to do that , but here my requirement is rather adding data manually in the body, I want to make it dynamic using context data. how to do this?

If I add data manually it is working fine, for ref adding ss

If I add context data it is not working, ref ss

And I have one more question, I have multiple records of data but only one record showing how to loop the data in API calls?

Hello @sai.anathula1,

We have comprehended your requirement, and we are currently evaluating the feasibility of dynamically adding data from the context object with our internal teams.

Rest assured, we will keep you updated with our findings once we have more information.

Hi @hariraj.gandepalli_1 any update on this?