How to add standard question in Knowledge Collection as a User Says?

When i am trying to add below questions in Knowledge Collection as User Says.

How can you help?
What can you do for me?

It gives below error message:
’USER SAYS’ should not contain only stop words.

So please let me know how can i add these standard questions to improve chatbot working?

Himanshu, our KG uses some standard defined questions. You cannot configure standard questions like
“what do you want me to do?”. Generally KG questions will be specific to the service or product you configure. And you have to configure your KG based on ontology structure as shown. Please go through


Thanks Swathi for your reply. I have added questions based on the ontology. But it is giving same error for many questions. The error message is also vague. Can you please tell me what is the significance of this error message. Actually I am using Enterprise bot which is hosted on-premises. How can I check its version? It might not be a latest version. Once I tried to add these questions on public website using my this gmail account, it works fine.

I will have someone in my team look at this.