How to add custom attributes to service URL header request?

As per below documentation page, I want to add an attribute ‘Cookie’ with a value of hard-code CTSession while making a call to restful api. Please let me where I can get this configuration.


So, In my example I want to hit a URL which is hosted on internal server, which requires a CT session needs to be pass along with Request Header like below:

So, please provide some help by which I would be able to set “Cookie” as a key with value on http header.

@himanshu.goel.mca, Please check if you were able to achieve this by following the below steps:

  1. Store the cookie information present in the response headers when the endpoint is accessed into a context/session variable.
  2. For the endpoint which requires the same cookie to be passed as part as request header, configure the header at the respective service node to fetch the data from above created context/session variable.