How fetch the table value in entity node to show as button value

I have a table containing 5 values, and I want to display these values as buttons to the user using an entity node in button format. If the client needs to add new button values to the entity node, the values can be updated in the table using the data table API. When the user initiates the chat, the newly added button values will also be visible.

I’ve created dynamic button selections in an entity node using the “list from context” configuration of a “list of items” entity type. I think this will work for your use case when pulling values from a table.

First you need to put the response from a table query into a variable. Use a FOR loop to extract the targeted value in the response and push them into a list variable (an array). Something like this:

Tip: Make sure the output list variable is defined with a name.

Configure your entity node type to List of Items and use list from context. Something like this:

If you have three of less items in the list, the default behavior of the node will be to present them as a stacked list. If you have more than three, they will be presented as a carousel list. You can modify the format of the buttons if desired (let me know if you need help with that).

Good luck. Let me know if this works for you.

Thanks for your response :blush:. I will try the configuration you suggested and implement it.